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praetor December 25th, 2005 01:51 AM

LW doesn't run!
i downloaded and runned limewire but it doesn't run, I have windows xp SP2, what is happening??

Grandpa December 25th, 2005 10:03 PM

This is a classic case of you need to supply more info.

OS, Windows 98/2000/XP
CPU, P4 3.0 GHz/AMD 64 3200+Ghz
Memory, 256MB/512MB
Graphics/Video Card & Platform NVIDIA/Intel Extreme/Radieon
Connection, Dial-up/DSL
LimeWire Version 4.8.1/4.9.11
Java Version 1.4.2/1.5.4
What firewall you use if any
What Antivirus if any
Are you new to LimeWire or Experienced
An accurate description of your problem

You can try following the instructions below if that doesn't help please provide the info asked for above.

You will need to install Java and LimeWire manually First go to the first link.You can find Links to java in there Download Java to your hard drive by putting a mark in the save to disc box. Save it to my documents or wherever you save downloads from the internet. Do the same with LimeWire the second link will take you there.

Now with that done click on start then control panel add/remove programs and see if Java is listed on the list if it is uninstall it. Do the same with LimeWire if the un installers were not loaded you may have to manually delete the files. But in most cases this is not necessary.

Now click on the Java installer you saved to your hard drive and follow the instructions after you have completed that do the same with LimeWire.

Please post back and let us know if it worked. If it did not I will give further instructions on manually deleting Java and LimeWire.

praetor December 26th, 2005 06:14 AM

I already have Java 1.4.2, and the Limewire, but it doesn't works too, I tried changing the compatibility in properties of the shortcut of Limewire but that didn't do anything, maybe it does not support SP2 edition of windows xp?

Lord of the Rings December 26th, 2005 07:07 AM

LW runs fine with SP2. Try updating your Java to 1.5, but use the "Offline" installer of Java. You might also be wise to reinstall LW using the "Offline" LW installer. Also delete the LW preferences folder if you have one.

When you say it doesn't run, what do you mean? Give us some details about what happens when you open the program.

You still didn't provide the details we asked for. The problem could be your installations, it could be firewalls or anti-virus or similar utilities interfering, it could be your router/modem, it could be your ISP stopping you connecting. That's why we need details. We can't guess without any details. If you don't wish to supply details then search the forum for similar problems because we can't help you without details.

Did you configure your firewall so it allows LW full access (advisable not to have 2 active firewalls b/c they can interfere with each other); Firewall configuration instructions (click on link)

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