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compupc1 February 16th, 2002 11:31 PM

2.2.0 problems
I've been messing with 2.2.0. I've found already on several occasions when a download is swarmed from 2 or 3 hosts, and all of those hosts drop out it sit's at "Downloading from 0 hosts" and never re-searches.

Also on several occasions (the condition above being one of them), when I manually kill the download, and re-search and restart it myself Limewire claims I'm already downloading the file, even though I had canceled it. Restarting Limewire cures this, but in doing so you screw all your other downloads. Whenever a download fails i usually manually clear it from my incomplete folder because resumes never seem to resume in exactly the same place - they tend to corrupt files.

Also, as an enhancement, if there is an active download (or a queue attempting to connect to hosts), the user should have the option to "Add hosts to download". For instance, suppose you've been swarm downloading from a bunch of hosts, but then all of them drop out except for a really slow modem host or something. You don't want to kill the download and restart it, because especially when the download was swarmed the chance of corruption is high. Why not let the user re-search and add some additional download hosts to the transfer? I hope I'm making sense.

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