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JRSellers July 21st, 2004 09:20 PM

Search For a Specific Bitrate
I'd like to see a feature that allows a user to search audio files for a specific bitrate (i.e.: 192 yields result with only a bitrate of 192).

sberlin July 22nd, 2004 07:49 AM

That already exists. Choose an audio search (optionally click 'More Options'), type in the bitrate and search away.

JRSellers July 22nd, 2004 12:46 PM

I see it now, but the Audio search in general is still f***ed up. I search for Toy Soldiers by Martika @ a bitrate of 192. I got 365 results, 61 of which were Toy Soldiers, and none of which were 192bps.

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