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gfox September 1st, 2004 08:37 PM

Corruption solution
how about being able to double click on a corrupt file to start a new search.

i have had to click on it, copy and paste it into the search field, then delete all of the other info like size and such.

so a double click would be nice. Or, if I will have to use my work around, perhaps um, Oh I don't know, maybe an:


ukbobboy01 September 3rd, 2004 07:53 AM

Corrupt Files
Dear LW People

I too would like to see a facility, probably in the form of a button, which discarded the corrupt part of a downloaded file and started a new search for the remainder.

I recently downloaded a video file that LW (Pro 4.0.8) labelled as corrupt but I was still able to play it up to the point where the downloading process stopped. However, because it had attained “corrupt” status I could not restart the download process to get the rest of the file.

Unless there is some technical reason, I believe this is a facility, i.e. discard damaged portion and resume download, should be included in a LW Pro forthcoming update.

UK Bob

stupididiot69er September 4th, 2004 08:33 AM

that would be a very good idea but I hate to burst your bubble here where would it get the replacement for the corrupt file? shure it could search for another file with the same name but that file has different codes, and both would not match. that's why there are files with the same file name that are shown seperate in your search field. they put the files completly iddentical together so this prevents corruption, and bad information.
I think that if you could still download the file you'd need a healthy source. though maybe for some files it might be possible if the corrupt is iddentical to the one you'd take a part of the only difference between the both is the corrupt area

ukbobboy01 September 6th, 2004 02:42 AM

Corrupted Files
I am sorry, stupididiot69er, but I do not think your argument is valid, let me explain why.

First, most files chosen for downloading comes from several sources, if one of those sources is corrupt then LW (or LW Pro) should be able to discard the corrupted portion, drop the corrupted source and continue to download the remainder of the file.

Secondly, LW hashes incoming files then reassembles them on your PC, therefore if the checksum on a downloading file does not add up then it should be possible to go back to where the error occurred then discard it.

Finally, I am sure that like me you have seen LW complete a download, verify the file and then restart part of the download process that, I presume, it could not verify. If an unverified file can be re-downloaded then it should also be possible with a part corrupted file.

Something for the LW people to think on.

UK Bob

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