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Random__111 November 13th, 2005 11:17 PM

Poll To End All Polls (Covers Everything)
Ok answer the question above and this will result in less forums with polls

Random__111 November 13th, 2005 11:31 PM

May I Request That This Poll Be Left In the List Forever?

Lord of the Rings November 14th, 2005 06:16 AM

The only criticism I have about the poll is we can only make a single choice. So if we like 2 options but don't want all, then we can't select them.

I can tell you that a virus checker is too impractical to add. LW would have to employ a special section to deal with known & new viruses & be continually updating the definitions on a daily basis. Anti virus companies are set up to work full time on this type of thing.

Probably a better option would be to allow an anti-virus program to open & check all downlds. Something similar to using a default audio program or OSX's iTunes implementation (which opens when audio files are complete.) Whatever is your default av program opens when downlds complete.

About banning ip's that have viruses ... well ... some people don't check all their downlds for some time ... perhaps weeks or mths. That option would be unfair to them if they had a file with virus but didn't realise it. Or they might have just downlded that file, but their downlds are shared so then suddenly a 100 people ban that person because they detected a file from that person with a virus. That includes sharing partial downlds. Nasty circle. Catch 22 I guess.

Oh & the same applies to porn/kiddie porn. Since there's lots of files deliberately mislabelled, if someone downlds one by accident then that person may get banned by lots of others despite they didn't realise they'd downlded such a file. And might also have been sharing the file whilst downlding it via sharing partial downlds.
Quality of Content on the Network

Random__111 November 14th, 2005 12:05 PM

About the kiddie Porn Thing..... You could possiblly give each IP a set amount of time lets say a day. You have 1 day to delete any accident files. I would Think That This would be hard to do but would make LimeWire Much Better.

And the virus checker would be some sort of minature virus software like a version of STINGER that scans file this would result in alot less frequent updates since i would only cover the more harmful viruses (Not all the little pissy one that pretty much do nothing)

Oh yer and can somthing be done about that only ony selection thing cause it would be great to have so users can vote twice.

ukbobboy01 November 15th, 2005 04:31 AM


Apart from the "file size filter", I think the rest of your poll options are impractical.

No one will appreciate a second rate or cut down AV from LW, most people would want their current AV to work with LW rather than have something foisted upon them.

As for banning IPs, LW has the facility within it to give me that choice I do not want or accept censorship from any faceless wonder, named or nameless organisation.

UK Bob

Grandpa January 22nd, 2006 01:14 PM

What the lord and UKbob say pretty much sum it up. As far as waiting a day or so to ban a IP remember that allot of people are on dial-up and can literally take months to DL a large file.

Also lets give the new Junk filter a chance the Dev. of limeWire are know to work on things until they can get it right and the new junk filter seems to be a pretty good concept while it is not 100% efficient it is a very good start in my opinion and has allot of potential. Who knows when they get done with it they may have the best filter ever created,or maybe not but we don not know the answer to that yet.

Also if they did implement a virus checker into LimeWire I very seriously doubt that there would be a free version of LW any more. Those types of things take time and money to implement and maintain. Somebody has to write and maintain the data base.You need servers to house them and upload new definitions to users from all cost money. it would be more like get LimeWire basic for just $49.95 I do not think that would fly.

Any way I do not think your ideas are bad just impractical or LW already has the features.

Lord of the Rings June 4th, 2006 07:09 PM

Also consider that more than one person may be using the same public ip from a particular isp. ;)

terryt June 6th, 2006 07:18 AM

My virus software catches all the viruses apart from the odd one simple rule of thumb is don't download anything off programmes if you want software best to download a free trial and get the registration off documents.Saying that tho i did get nero 7 for nothing off there and it works perfectly.

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