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Unregistered June 2nd, 2002 07:46 PM

old limewire versions
I want to help someone out there who may be looking for older versions of limewire just like I was several months ago after losing an old version. I've recently discovered a wonderful website that carries old versions of limewire for download to your machine. the site is: ( I hope that someone will benefit from this web site and reduce a little stress from your computing life. if you wanna talk to me, you can reach me by email( ENJOY!!!

Rhohl June 3rd, 2002 11:40 AM

LW versions come in several flavors depending on your OS...
A quick look at "" tells me that they only offer one flavor...and not mine.

Far better to go to the "official" LW (old version) download site:

where ALL of the flavors are available
to get the one YOU need.

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