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vok December 22nd, 2002 06:02 AM

Hit counts - a contradiction ?
I am using using 2.8.4 Pro. It has two ways to view incoming hits, the library tab shows hits per track since Limewire was loaded. Right now typically 100 -> 400 per track except for any song containing the word "christmas" these have typically 2000->4000 hits.

Another way to view hits is the live charts seen by clicking:
Tools Statistics Advanced Gnutella Reveived Number QueryHits Hops or TTL

Whilst "Queries" shows a busy chart, "QueryHits" shows a blank, no hits in the last 200 seconds. When I look at the incoming searches go by in the monitor tab I constantly see requests for tracks that I have shared, requests that should result in a hit.

What is going on?

I am behind my own firewall in my router which is under my control. 16 files have been uploaded since I last started Limewire.

sberlin December 22nd, 2002 06:24 AM

the difference is that under the statistics you're looking at in the statistics pane are "recieved" statistics -- ie, the amount of queryhits (via hops of ttl) that your client has recieved from other clients. (and that will be emtpy unless you've recently searched for things)

the queryhits you're seeing in the library tab are sent statistics -- ie, the amount of queryhits your client has sent to other clients.

the number under
advanced -> gnutella -> sent -> tcp [query hits]

should be closer to the sum of all the 'hits' in the library. it might not be exactly equal, because the two numbers are counted in different places. (and i don't recall if library hits are incremented on strictly meta-data searches -- i'd be curious to see how the numbers change if they were)

vok December 22nd, 2002 06:31 PM

from, to, sent, received ?
Thanks, that throws a bit of light on the issue. I understand from that, we need to look for hit responses sent out, not hit responses received. For me it brings up a question over the wording on the charts.

On 2.8.4 I do not see the statistics option you suggest:
advanced -> gnutella -> sent -> tcp

I do see:
advanced -> gnutella -> sent -> LimeWire Messages -> Number -> TCP -> Query Hits
it brings up a chart headed "TCP query hits from all Gnutella clients versus other LimeWires"

If the wording were changed to:
"TCP query hit responses sent to all Gnutella clients versus other LimeWires"

Would this be more accurate ?

sberlin December 22nd, 2002 09:29 PM

to be honest, i'm not actually sure how the 'sent' statistics work in regards to LimeWire messages. i'm not sure that it's actually 'sent to' -- i think it may be more of a 'forwarded from', but also including messages that originate at this host.

but, being a leaf node myself, i'm curious how i could be sending messages that aren't 'LimeWire' messages, since i'm shielded by ultrapeers.

adam would be the person that knows best (since he wrote it), but i think he's away for a short while.

in regards to the particular numbers i was referring to earlier, i meant to say:
advanced -> gnutella -> sent -> number -> tcp

i've never really bothered looking at the limewire messages, mainly because i like seeing all the info in one table.

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