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rlestra1 February 10th, 2004 11:16 AM

connections issue
I recently downloaded Limewire onto my system, and everything is fine with the exception of one concern. Under the connections tab, I noticed that there are many other users receiving/sharing/dl'ing files from me. I attempted cancelling Ultrapeer users, and even disabled sharing under Tools, Options. I am not sure the extent to which I should be worried about this, which is why I am posting this message. Is this something major, or something that really shouldn't cause problems? If someone can get back to me on this, it would be appreciated. Thanks.

et voilą February 10th, 2004 11:32 AM

Heuuh nooo, you don't understand. You were an ultrapeer with 32 UP connections and 30 leaf connections. Being an ultrapeer doesn't make you upload files, you are routing trafic (searches, ping etc...) for other peers like you. Ultrapeers are essential for the network (and not illegal) and you should not stop it unless it takes to much bandwith for you (it takes 5Ko/s up and down as average). Read more about how Gnutella works @ BTW if you have issues with being an UP you can go in option -speed and uncheck the capacity to become ultrapeer.

Note: peer to peer means sharing, so I urge you to share something as legal applications mp3 and such, don't be a leech!

Bonne chance:)

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