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pvmantel June 4th, 2004 09:50 AM

LimeWire Pro? How? US isn't the whole world!
Hi! I'm living in Pakistan, and here to pay through the net is highly INSECURE.

Why isn't possible to send just the cash as I did for Acquisition?

It could solve my problem, give you more supporters and it can be done. BTW, snail mail is still reliable all over the world.

As soon as this option is available, I will go Pro, till then I stick to Acquisition, that, btw, is very good



murasame June 4th, 2004 10:09 AM

Uh, have you tried the basic version first?

deepblue June 4th, 2004 06:22 PM

Be sure to check your private messages.


pvmantel June 4th, 2004 06:46 PM

Hi, murasme! Yes, of course, but there is better support and there should be faster downloadings (important for a 56K dialup connection).

Moreover, I feel that using the work of others oblige me to contribute in some way, and 20$ are not a big deal to relieve my conscience!

Therefore I will stay with Acquisition and only occasionally use LimeWire.

Still I can't understand why I cannot pay cash!

God bless


stief June 4th, 2004 08:12 PM

Hi pvmantel--here's a few more avenues to consider:

did you try ? I saw that LW only accept money orders from the US. Wonder what the story is behind that decision! I've used paypal for years (several times for LW Pro) with no problem though, so I can't comment on its overseas security.

fyi--search for posts by" aharris" or "gbildson"

They are the business guys at limewire --and sometimes drop into these forums. I think they'd be interested in your thoughts

btw--although I supported Acqx in the past, I've stopped for now since Acqx 109.6 is reporting itself as LW 4.0.4. Dave, the developer of Acqx, argues this is honest (Acqx does use the work and effort that the LW team and opensourcers put into the Core), but I'm still waiting to see what Dave gives back to the LW core community. Bottom line: I feel guilty using Acqx for now. There are lots of ways you can still "give back" to the LW project, especially if you have international experience with other languages. The opensource page at should be back up soon with all the options, but in the meantime, the developers are very appreciative of contributions in the beta forum and the work that murasame and others do to help out on the forums.


pvmantel June 4th, 2004 09:45 PM

Hi Stief! Thanks for your comments and the insight I didn't know about the relationship between LimeWire and Acquisition.

However, as a very normal user, I thought to rise a LimeWire Team's problem. The 20 buks "fee" isn't my problem, I can use the free LimeWire or Acquisition and this is the end of it.

What I cannot understend is why I cannot put 20 $ in an envelop, send it to an address in US, where a Secretary or a volunteer can put the money in the bank and email me the Pro code. (BTW if I loose 20 buks, I'm little sorry, but if my credit card number is stolen, I will be very sorry!!! And out of US, sending CC numbers on the net is not very common, yet)

I did it with David and it worked, why not for LimeWire? But this, luckily is not my problem! It was only a suggestion because every time I open LW it reminds me to go Pro.

One final comment, I'm a Computer illiterate, so how can I go to the forum with "developers"? I can translate from English to Italian but nothing more.

Cheers and God bess


stief June 4th, 2004 10:39 PM

Hi Paolo

I understand, know it's not 'your' problem, liked the way you proved that not everyone is greedy, and hope the LimeWire guys do too. :)

Welcome to the forums. Email me and I'll try to get you a LW snail-mail address.

While you are waiting for your official Pro page, you can always use which is an opensource build of LimeWire put together by another volunteer Jens-Uwe Mager. It's usually the latest version (not fully tested) and helps work out the bugs for how LW works on OSX.


pvmantel June 5th, 2004 02:33 AM

Hi Stief! Thanks for your reply and kindnes, but......
Now I got a problem!!

I followed your directions, went to the site. It was advising me to use the instead of a browser. I did it but Aquisition opened!

I closed it and opened LW, clicked the suggested link, still Acquisition opened. I closed everithing and clicked again, still Acqisition opened, I kept it open, but nothing happened,

After 10 minutes, no downloads in Acqx whatsoever, no dmg images in the Desktop or in any other folder. Nothing. The connection was OK. I closed everything, not knowing what to do.

This gives you an idea how skilled I am in the computer siece!!

Sorry for that, however, next time, if you don't mind, I'll write directly to you, because this discussion is going to be of no general interest.

Thanks and God bless


stief June 5th, 2004 07:52 AM

Hi Paolo
Just use the http link. For magnets on OSX, see

Cheers (I've answered your email).

gbildson June 5th, 2004 09:11 AM

If you want to risk sending money, go ahead.

We just have a problem with foreign checks and money orders. We have a bunch sitting around that we can't cash.


jimlad June 7th, 2004 05:13 AM

yep just send your cash to me, i'll pass it on honest, but just hold on.. that's not all you'll also gain unlimated access into the Kingdom of your lord (whichever it may be) make checks payable to luvly Jim:)

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