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AaronWalsh June 30th, 2004 09:32 AM

Limewire Pro 4.0.7 HTTP Web server Functional?
Hello, I have been working with Limewire Pro quite a bit since buying it (now at v4.0.7 which seems to fix the incompatible magnet link issue I posted earlier -- great to see that was easy enough to fix! The example Bitzi magnets I provided at all seem to be accepted by Limewire without a problem now). I notice that LW does support some basic HTTP (Web server) capabilities, but haven't been able to create a standard Web page (HTML) that can fetch image content from Limewire and render it on a page. That is, I'd like to do something like this on a Web page and have the image that's displayed on the Web page be delivered to the Web browser (for rendering) via Limewire:

<img src="http://localhost:45100/Trapped.jpg" />

I've tried many variations on the above URL in an attempt to display the image on my Web page (including using magnet links in the src attribute instead of a localhost http:// URL), but the best that happens is that Limewire is activated (comes to front/get the focus) -- the browser never gets the file, so it doesn't display it.

I know, for example, that on my particular system Limewire has a JPEG image named "Trapped.jpg" in the shared folder and would like to display that image on a standard HTML Web page. Does Limewire support such a thing (serving files to non-Gnutella clients, such as a Web browser?)


btw, I'd like to test the sample magnet links at a larger scale (more users) so please feel free to download these small media files for wider testing:

trap_jaw4 June 30th, 2004 09:44 AM

(carefully looks right and left if anyone of the mods is looking)

LimeWire will soon support a nicer sort of file listings. I don't know if that is what you mean...

AaronWalsh June 30th, 2004 10:09 AM

Hmmm, not exactly what I was looking for (this seems to be a list of files on the system, whereas I'm looking to have Limewire serve to the Web browser a specific file if I happen to know it's name or other info about it) -- but -- it might be a work around in the meantime. Does the current version of Limewire let you see all of the files it is sharing through an http connection (ie., using the Web browser to list files shared byLWire?). That is, can I do something like this on the localhost instead of the named host that you pointed me to:


I tried a few variations of the above with my Web browser (while Limewire is running) but it didn't work -- is there a specific path that I must provide after the http://localhost:6346 url to show the files that Limewire is sharing?


sberlin June 30th, 2004 11:03 AM

The file-view will be available in a soon-to-be-released LimeWire 4.1.0 beta. The functionality you're looking for (hosting a file via LimeWire) is possible, although to allow it to always work it would require editting the HTML file that has the link to the file to be hosted. By default, LimeWire will require a password of sorts (a random number) in the URL to tell LimeWire that access is allowed via browsers -- this number changes every time LimeWire is restarted. We could add an option that tells LimeWire that all browsers can access it, regardless of a password, and then you could host the file without having to change the password in the URL every time you restart LimeWire.

AaronWalsh June 30th, 2004 12:23 PM

That would be great; an option that users could enable or configure to allow Web browser access to Limewire's shared folder (without need for a password or unique link) would be a good way to enable the product to act as both a p2p tool and a Web server -- if that's not a terribly difficult option to add, could you add it to the 4.1 beta?

Ideally, for example, we'd be able to use Limewire's Web server capabilities like this in our enterprise (intranet) Web pages when we are sure the content is already on the local system (in Limewire's shared folder):


(where #### is the port, of course, and companyLogo.gif is one of the many images that are in Limewire's shared folder).

And in cases where we're not certain if the content is actually available, perhaps we could pass the Limewire server a magnet link instead of a file name, that way Limewire will automatically start to download (and then return to the Web browser) the content. For example:

http://localhost:####/magnet:?xt=urn...6VWMA37H7DN... etc.

I'd be happy to test it when available, and can give you detailed feedback for it when run on a private company network (intranet). \


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