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spy1 July 25th, 2004 09:48 AM

WHY are these people still in office???
Read this article: and see for yourself the direct relationship between the kinds of legislation that they support and write and how well they get paid by special interest groups in the entertainment industry to do so.

This is totally criminal as far as I'm concerned, so I'm going to email the Office of Government Ethics ( ) with the following message - and I urge you to do the same! (Feel free to copy & paste my message):

"It is becoming more and more blatantly obvious that the following Senator's:

Charles Schumer [$509,635], John Edwards [$314,547], Arlen Specter [$273,800], Dianne Feinstein [$272,316], Patrick Leahy [$221,950], Edward M. Kennedy [$200,708], Mike DeWine [$111,199], Dick Durbin [$81,100], Joseph Biden [$75,774], Chuck Grassley [$73,572]. Lindsey Graham [$72,523], Russ Feingold [$45,450] and Herb Kohl [250] (read this article: ).

are firmly in the pocket of the entertainment industry - BOUGHT and PAID FOR, plain and simple - and that all the legislation that they write or vote on pertaining to that is done NOT with their constitutents' wishes in mind - but only with the thought of filling their own pockets from the entertainment industry's trough.

This is especially critical due to the fact that they're on the Judiciary Committee - and thus in a position to seriously MIS-use their votes.

What I'd like to know is - why haven't all the above-named individuals been investigated?

Why haven't they been made to resign their Judiciary Committee positions when they're so obviously on-the-take?

My final question is: What are/can YOU do about this to redress it?"

People, PLEASE add your voices to mine on this - it's the only hope of getting something done to right it before these people do any more damage through greed than they already have.

AND, if you live in a state where any of these people are your Reps, you should most definitely vote - against them - in the next election - and urge other friends, neighbors, relatives and fellow file sharers to do the same! Pete

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