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gotztaplay August 4th, 2004 04:27 AM

new to this
ya i just downloaded limewire i was wondering how to view "messages" and wat is that little thing in the bottom left corner that keeps going form poor to turbo charged? is that my user rating or something? or connection rating

murasame August 4th, 2004 09:39 AM

Aww, c'mon. There's a user guide in Limewire's site. At least take the time to read this (and the FAQs while you're at it). Please.

swopperer August 4th, 2004 09:50 AM

Hmm.. your idea of assistance? If it were vaguely locatable I wouldn't have bothered posting for assistance. Pity my virgin post gets sarcasm from a vet.

swopperer August 4th, 2004 09:57 AM

For what it is worth, I have just re-read the Userguide and the FAQs, and this info isn't anywhere that I can see.

murasame August 4th, 2004 09:59 AM

No, no. I'm not being sarcastic. Really. It's just...
Oh well. Here you go:
Just, next time, make sure that you look a little further, 'k? And I'm no veteran (I'm not a vet either :p ).

swopperer August 4th, 2004 10:04 AM

Thanks, really, but this doesn't help. I have been there. Twice. Done all the steps. Read carefully. Nothing seems to address the matter of installation or registration codes. Maybe I have to pay *** for the upgrade?

murasame August 4th, 2004 10:09 AM

Huh? This isn't your virgin post SWop, right? (Are you refering to the Filemaker thread?)
Anyway, the little thing in the bottom left corner indicates your connection status, ranging from 'Connecting' (obviously the "worst" status) to 'Turbo-charged'. This changes depending on how many connections to Ultrapeers you have. To attain Turbo-charged, I think that you must be conncted to at least 3 or 4 Ultrapeers, which in turn will also make you an Ultrapeer (unless you've disabled Ultrapeer capabilities in the Options/Preferences).
You can see how many connections you have if you go to Tools.

About the messages, I don't really get what you're talking about: chatting? Messages to the Gnutella network?

swopperer August 4th, 2004 10:22 AM

Honestly, I have never even been in a chat room. Anyhow, I think our lines got crossed with "gotztaplay." Also, when I said vet I meant a veteran of this system.
A friend said that I could search on the subject, and on "sn" but there seems to be no search outside the forums, and sn is too short to be allowed. Not even sure what that is. Also, there doesn't seem to be any direct technical assistance. I think I am more lost than when I started and I have been at this for hours. I probably have to contact FMaker directly.

murasame August 4th, 2004 10:27 AM


Originally posted by swopperer
[Also, when I said vet I meant a veteran of this system. [/B]
I know man, I know.
Anyway, contacting Fmaker to tell them that you have a warez copy of their program and want to know how to open it would probably make them really angry at you. Lawyer stuff would probably follow.
Just take the small advice I posted on you thread (the original one)

swopperer August 4th, 2004 10:36 AM

That thread you sent gives NO GUIDANCE regarding my inquiry. As I said, I went over it BEFORE you initially posted back; and then again AFTER, because you spoke (and continue to do so) with such confidence that it actually addresses "registration codes" or "installation codes." I've got nothing here but a creeping headache. Thank you for your time and effort in any event, as it is clear that you meant well. BT AR

murasame August 4th, 2004 11:09 AM

Nope, you were posting in a thread started by gotztaplay, so I figured you hade the same inquiry, that's why I gave the link: it is meant as an answear to the original question of this thread: what is the "little thingy" on the bottom left corner of the window.

If you want an answer to another question, either stick to the thread you started or post and specify your question.

This is an obvious misunderstanding.

btw, did you read the thread you started? I replied to it (and even sent you a PM).

swopperer August 4th, 2004 11:48 AM

Not sure what you mean. I started the Filemaker thread, and then followed a link sent to my email account, where I read your "c'mon..." message. So maybe it is a mistake on LimeWire's end. In any event, it looks like you had several threads going at once, I hope you were able to assist one of them. I didn't see your response, unless it was the one that told me to look harder or the one that gave me the url to the Userguide and FAQ page (again, been there). I don't know what a PM is. The problem may be that I initially didn't download the free software, still hacking my way through it though so I don't know for sure.

murasame August 4th, 2004 12:24 PM

PM is a private message. A the top of this page is a button labeled 'user CP'. Click it. You will be taken to your control panel. There, click to see your private messages. Normally you should have one from me.
By saying that you didn't dld the free software, are you talking about LW basic? If so, you got Pro then? (or maybe you're still talking about Filemaker?).
And yeah, the link on your email was wrong. The link for your thread is:
I don't see why you'd have a wrong link on your email, especially since you already replied once on that thread.

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