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gnutellaontoast December 5th, 2004 11:32 PM

slower music?
Hey ive been downloading all these songs from limewire recently and they play slower than normal and sound stupid. I burnt a couple of these slow songs onto a CD and on it they play at normal speed. Is there anyway i can fix this or bring the songs up to speed?

Lord of the Rings December 6th, 2004 12:42 AM

With a name that includes toast, does that mean you use a mac? From my experience if a song is longer than it should be it tends to be corrupt. But if you find you can burn them at normal speed, then it 'might' be a codec issue. What mp3 player do you use to play them. If you're on a mac & iTunes struggles to play them, try Audion 2 or 3. It has a couple more codecs that iTunes doesn't have & can play xtra mp3 formats. If you're using windows perhaps you need xtra codecs or else try a program like: QCD (a free player with built in codecs & plays everything)

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