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TAMA300Z February 13th, 2005 02:24 PM

Peerless this is 4 you
Peerless, why do you have to give smart *** commentes to people with legit questions? Not only have you done this to me, but I see you have done this to other members. If your comment does not help the current situation that a member is in need of, don't say anything at all. I have mentioned this to the proper members and hopefully they have their eye on you. TAMA300Z

fabion February 13th, 2005 02:46 PM

Hmmm just a thought might want to read this link.

If my eyes aren't playing tricks on me, which they occasionaly do.
There was no need to double post (lounge). I'm sure Peerless would have seen it in either place.

et voilą February 13th, 2005 03:07 PM

TAMA300Z: there are PM for that... I know Peerless and he did that on purpose. I trashed your duplicate post as in the forum rules it is told to do so...

Summary: read forum rules, search forum for answers instead of creating new threads, stay polite or we say to you bye bye and I don't want to do that to you yet.


TAMA300Z February 13th, 2005 06:50 PM

Apology for double post and...
I'm new to this great site (Limewire), and I do appreciate all the help with past questions I have had. However, I was asking a simple question about a certain situation that I had with Limewire and Peerless took it upon himself to not only waste mine and your space, but seemed to have time to make a smart *** comment. Moreover, if you are to direct me to certain rules and regulations of this site, which I am familiar with, I do believe those rules apply to all that use it. (Peerless) I'm sorry for this post but I feel you should all know where I was coming from. Thank you.

ukbobboy01 February 13th, 2005 10:50 PM

Legitimate Question?
Dear TAMA300Z

Have you gone back and read your question? If not, then here it is:


Hello all. I'm having trouble generating a key for my ******. It keeps saying invalid key when I use a code from the *keygen* . Can someone please help? Thanks guys!
Like Peerless, this does not look like a proper question to me it looks like someone trying to get advice that will defraud Symantec and give FACT (The Federation Against Copyright Theft) a good reason to close this forum down.

If you have bought your ****** legitimately then put your question to Symantec, do not put it here.

Also, there is a Symantec forum hosted by Castle Cops (used to be called Computer Cops), their URL is:


Now you know where to go.

UK Bob

ukbobboy01 February 14th, 2005 01:55 AM

To all Forum Moderators
Dear Mods

As if to echo my post to TAMA300Z, I have just seen the following on the BBC web site:

Which shows the P2P forums are under attack.

May I suggest that all illegal questions are immediately deleted, that way this forum of ours can continue to help people with real problems.

UK Bob

strexon February 14th, 2005 07:34 PM


Originally posted by Peerless
oh...this post you mean, the one you made last night? ( )

geee....since you can converse as you did above, I am assuming that you can read...

and the rule is obvious...

the 'help' I gave you is all you're gonna get here...

now...stop your puling and grow up!

or I'll take a roadtrip to Morristown, rip your cable/dsl line out of the ground, and hang you by it...

think the threat of hanging him was a bit unnecessary

fabion February 16th, 2005 04:34 PM

Your to nice Peerless - Snapping turtles - would be much better:D :p :cool:

BTW this post lead to my new signature line - something good did come out of it -

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