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moonrock April 9th, 2005 10:07 PM

I NEVER SHARE!! I am a Leech!
I enjoy downloading from gnuetella. I am a Leech. I mostly do iso/bin's of various pc games and apps.

I do not share ANY of the files I download and enjoy.


I had Kazaa a while back and began sharing to get my rating up. About two weeks later I got a scary letter in the mail from my cable ISP stating EACH file I shared and that if it continues they would terminate my service and/or report me to the proper authorities. CRAP! Well I promptly stopped sharing. Then I tried to share again a few months later and I got another letter.
The ISP has no problem with me downloading ANYTHING, but as soon I opened up my shared apps folder - they were all over it.

I have been using Limewire now and I actually would like to share my files. I guess I could share stuff EVERONE (cough) would be interested in like pics of me and my family, doc's on my thoughts on life and family recipies that go way back , but I think the apps I get may be a bit more requested then those things.

Anything I can do to open up my files again and not get intimidating letters???

fabion April 9th, 2005 10:27 PM

Heck I would be interested in the family receipes might be some good ones. Yum Yum

BTW who is your ISP

stief April 9th, 2005 11:15 PM

1-Share the stuff from Those folks who posted their stuff there are taking a chance on legitimate content via p2p, so support them by helping spread out the bandwidth.

2-setup so you run as an Ultrapeer. On a good connection, you can contribute about 1 GB/24 hrs of bandwidth--relaying searches, acting as a middleman between two firewalled hosts, and all the other kinds of jobs needed to keep the network healthy. That's a pretty decent contribution alone.

3-hunt up legitimate content that you think others would like, like indie music, and help share it. The movie /music industry controls the publicity, but you can control the content on the network. Search for posts by topbanana to see some of the collections he has put together. They may not be as popular as fake-named files, but there's usually pretty regular requests for his collections.

IOW--there's lots you can do without giving your bandwidth to the music/movie industry popularizing their content.


Silk April 10th, 2005 05:44 PM

I'd be devistated if I couldn't share
Call me old fashioned...but I don't believe in getting anything for nothing. Heck If you cook the meal the least I could do is wash the dishes. However, I see your point. Perhaps I'd be running scared too if someone sent me mail such as that. I have never received any kind of letter from sharing....(and I'm in law enforcement...shhh) I never tell anyone 'cause they get paranoid..God I wish you guys had a spell checker. Anyway people get intimadated when I tell them what I do. But everyones conciances (and spelling) is different. Be my guest & correct me.
I scan my files, test them to make sure it's all there, and hope they enjoy them. That is the satisfaction I get. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't share.
Completed w. love Silk

Jinai April 11th, 2005 11:43 PM

You are doing nothing illegal. You are simply 'storing' backup files on your computer. ;) ;)

ukbobboy01 April 12th, 2005 06:09 AM

moonrock asked


Anything I can do to open up my files again and not get intimidating letters???
Yes, change ISP.

UK Bob

PS. I particularly like the recipies shown in the "Floyd's India" program on Sky Travel.

PPS. I hate onions so I usually substitute it with spring onions or garlic.

lassie April 12th, 2005 06:57 AM

I'm sure your ISP wouldn't like to shrink it's customer base for being selectively picky over what you do/ don't do with your bb connection.

So yeah, tell the world who this bb ISP is so we can avoid them or leave them.

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