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purejunie August 3rd, 2005 06:26 AM

limewire 4.9.11 vs liimewire 2005?
is there a difference between limewire 4.9.11 from and the product: limewire 2005 software?

And is there a difference in downloading from here and the limewire from places such as, and or something like that?

And what does the PRO membership mean about the 6 months thing? Is it that I can only use it for 6 month?

Is there really a big difference between the PRO and the BASIC?

thank you!!!!!!!!!!!

Lord of the Rings August 3rd, 2005 06:38 AM

For a start limewire 2005 is offered by scam sites. I personally don't know whether their version is a variation of LW or else they make you pay for LW's basic version. The latter is what a lot of scam sites do. And limewire 2005 is just one of them. They don't really offer support, instead they send you here. We can only take pity on those people who pay so much for scam versions of LW. For a full list of known scam sites found via this forum or others see: Known Scam Sites (click on link) (there's new ones showing up all the time!) BTW some scam sites make you pay per mth or charge you per song or continue charging you without your knowledge. After all, these people have no morals. They're simply after your money. They also generally charge you thru the teeth for what you can get for FREE!

The differences between LW basic & pro are only subtle. There's no dramatic differences. But yes you do connect to 5 peers instead of 3 that basic does.

What I'd recommend is stay away from the scam sites & start off with LW Basic. Get any small issues sorted out if there's any & if you feel happy & confident with it, then consider getting LW Pro. Get it thru the official site & you'll have no problems. Then you know what you're getting! ;) LW does have some mirror sites for downlding but best advice is to start off from the LW downld site!!! ;)

Oh the LW support means if you have any problems, you can email their pro support team to get assistance. You can update your version of Pro over the 6 mths. After that you're stuck with the version you have but can keep using it for as long as you desire. Else get basic or renew your pro registration.

purejunie August 3rd, 2005 06:47 AM

Thank you!!!

You've helped me alot!!

I will start LW basic first.

In your opinion, though, would you personally pick PRO or BASIC?

Lord of the Rings August 3rd, 2005 06:52 AM

I'm using LW pro & am very happy with it. Some people don't notice any difference at all. Some do. I noticed some difference. I've been a user of LW for a no. of yrs & started using Pro at the start of this year/end of last yr or so. I would choose Pro as a preference but could suffice with basic as I did for some yrs.

purejunie August 3rd, 2005 06:56 AM


ukbobboy01 August 4th, 2005 06:16 AM

Congratulations on using your common sense

I must first of all congratulate you for not being taken in by a scam site, you did your research first by coming here and asking relevant questions.

You see, all too often (99.99 times out of 100) newbies rush headlong into scam sites, throw their money and payment details at them (most newbies don't even know what they are paying for) and end up with LW Basic and sporadically charged for fictitious purchases. However, if these newbies (suffering from “common sense” bypass) did a bit of research first, like you did, they would realise they were playing Russian roulette with their financial well-being.

However, you have beaten that, once again, I congratulate you.

UK Bob

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