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sugabear456 October 1st, 2005 10:14 PM

File size VERY small in playlist. Why?
Hi all. I am so happy to find this forum as I have been trying to figure this problem out for a while now. I have been downloading on Limewire for about a month now and I think it's awesome!! I save the downloaded music to "My Music" and it plays well, and the information comes over fine. Now......when i view the properties of ALL of the songs downloaded from Limewire, it's saying that the files are a lot smaller than they should be. Example, I have a song that should be 4.27MB (Media Player), but reads only 4.29KB (Playlist). I can't figure out why Media Player reads the right information, but my playlist does not. I found this to be a problem when I wanted to e-mail a song to a friend to hear. I am able to receive songs via e-mail from someone else and the size remains correct (MB). This is why I think it has something to do with Limewire. Should one be able to email a song once it's downloaded and saved on their computer? If there is a trick to this I would like to learn it. Any help with this would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks so much!!! :)

(I have attached a song from my playlist as an example)

Sphinx October 1st, 2005 11:03 PM

I use Windows Media Player 9x and it works just fine for me. Im not sure I understand your question? Are you trying to save a playlist or make one? To email a song you would need to email it from your folder, Im not certain you can email just from a playlist. Check your prefs and make sure you have it set for playlists etc. Try not to use the Limewire Player, try to set it to Windows Media player for default. so that LW doesnt change the prefs on you. ;)

Only A Hobo October 2nd, 2005 02:30 AM

I know exactly what your problem is, but explaining how to fix it is another matter:) I think Sphinx has done a pretty good job

This thread and the posts by LOTR in particular might help also:

Basically there is a file called an m3u (not mp3) which is a music list element rather than a music file and this is the small size file.

Pleas let us know if this helps:)

sugabear456 October 2nd, 2005 04:11 AM

I got it, I got it!!!!!! Thank you soooo much!!!! You guys who work these forums are awesome!!!:D I see where my music files are going now, AND now I can see that what I was refering to in my initial confusion were m3u and not mp3. Again, thank you so much.
:D :D :D

sugabear456 October 2nd, 2005 04:58 AM

Now that I have that original problem taken care of, i'm stumped again. Please clarify what happens once music is saved on LM. I justed saved a song as usual to my playlist. I see it there as m3u. When I look in my shared, I don't see the new song anywhere. This is where i've learned to go to and find my mp3 files per previous thread. Do I have to share this song before I can see the mp3 file? Where did it go? And if there is a way to save it and have it (mp3 file) available while sharing it at the same time. I'm kind of going around the world trying to find songs. The only way I know to my shared file is through LM explore. Your help on this would be great guys!! Thanks so much.

Only A Hobo October 2nd, 2005 05:32 AM

If you go to options or preferences> saving .... this should show where your downloads go. You can go to that folder and open the files with whatever you chose. The files do not have to be shared, but by default they will be.

I have never used the Limewire paylist or player, and it seems problems (for which I am not sure of the answer) can arise for those who do.

See if this makes sense and a word of warning,... If you come across your shared files in the Limewire library ... Do _not_ use the delete function as you will loose the files permanently.

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