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Keyper October 13th, 2005 09:26 AM

Multiple Limewires open
So I logged off of Limewire last night, and this morning found it running again. Not only that but in the task bar I had another 9 Limewire tasks trying to execute. Since only one works at a time, the other 9 obviously died, but it seems that Limewire just decided to run without me opening it. This happened after I updated to the latest version of L'Wire. Has anyone had a similar occurence, or could it just be that one of the files I had downloaded contained a weird sort of virus that forces L'Wire to execute and leave a connection open? I uninstalled L'Wire until I can figure this out, the last thing I need is to have this program leaving my ports open. Also it is strange, cause I have adult content filters on and a folder appeared at startup filled with 959 files all of 537kb size all zip files of pornography. So I was definitely thinking virus, does anyone know for sure what could be going on??

Lord of the Rings October 13th, 2005 03:17 PM

Definitely sounds like a virus: WARNING: Viruses on network you should be aware of! Whilst over-clicking the LW shortcut can result in more than one instance running or if you have more than one version on your computer, but your description is definitely something else as to the cause.

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