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Elizabeth81 December 23rd, 2005 11:46 AM

uploading websites
I tried to upload a website but the size is like .02 KB or something so that's very small but there's more to it. Does this mean I'm uploading only one page of the site and people can't click on links to reach other pages on the same site? Do I need to also upload every page on the website?

Elizabeth81 December 23rd, 2005 02:10 PM

yes I am trying to upload it to limewire and it is possible to upload it there because limewire accepts .htm files.

Elizabeth81 December 23rd, 2005 02:37 PM

um... to let people see it? Same reason why we upload pics, music etc... You never actually seen a website be uploaded on limewire before?

Elizabeth81 December 23rd, 2005 02:53 PM

well I don't know what version of limewire u got but from here, there's websites being uploaded on limewire.

Elizabeth81 December 23rd, 2005 03:17 PM


Originally posted by Only A Hobo
Let's say I want to look at a web site concerned with, I don't know.... the metallic constitution of Jupiter, for example, I would type what I wanted into google, and follow any of the 1090 results. There in seconds on my browser. I could type the search into Limewire, which is not open at present, and get, I would guess, 50 totally unrelated porn videos, 50 worms and 132 iPod advertisements, and a copy of the Planets by Holst.

Why would I want to look for a web site on limewire? :confused:

Why would I want to look for a video of the Rolling Stones? On yahoo, you can look for a video on the Rolling Stones. You can also look for pics on yahoo for the Rolling Stones. You can also look for images of the Rolling Stones on google as well. Not much difference there. Also, a video can also contain a virus if u try looking for a video on limewire.

I tried to upload a website to yahoo, google and other search engines but they're not easily searched even though I used keywords in the mega tags. Limewire can find just about anything.

Elizabeth81 December 23rd, 2005 03:51 PM


Originally posted by Only A Hobo
perhaps we should veer away from the rolling stones... in danger of breaking forum rules:)

Let me get this clear. Are you trying to put the url on limewire or as you say, the website?

I was giving you an example just like you did.

I am trying to put the website up on limewire. It's in the shared folder like other stuff would be then when you put it in the folder, it can be shared (if you allow it, of course).

Elizabeth81 December 23rd, 2005 04:23 PM

forget it, we're gonna go on all night like this and you never answered my question. I said that I am trying to upload a website. What's the difference between a URL and a website? So never mind helping me. We'll just go on all night and you'll never answer the question and I'll wait for someone else who knows how to answer the question without talking to me all day and night about different stuff. If you don't know the answer to the question, all you had to say is you don't know or not reply. I'm assuming you don't know the answer. And we all know about the legal stuff. We know it's illegal to download copyrighted videos but lots of limewire users are doing it anyways. Limewire is illegal but it's been created anyways. The website I'm trying to upload is mine because it was created by me, not someone else's. Again, the websites are not filtered because I get them in my search results. If they're filtered, how did I still get websites in the search results? Maybe YOU filtered them but on my side, they're not "automatically" filtered.

Elizabeth81 December 23rd, 2005 07:11 PM

Now look, I do NOT have an attitude, ok? And rambling on and on like you just did IS an attitude. I'm not interested in reading all your ramblings. And yes, I have been able to grasp what you and others have been saying. All I simply asked is whether or not I needed to upload other links in order for people to navigate to other pages. That's all I asked, not your rambling or your other comments that was something I did not ask. I like direct answers, not rambling or other answers that had nothing to do with what I asked. I am still trying to learn about Limewire and trying to learn how to use it correctly so don't "attitude" me, ok? I do not know everything about Limewire.

Let's talk about each thread I started and you tell me where I had an "attitude" (I only posted once in that so there's not much) (in one of the posts I stated I did not understand a link or how it'd help me... that's not an attitude)

Now if you think THIS post shows an attitude, that's because you said I got one and that ticks me off. I do not like being told that I have an attitude, whether you think I got one or not. All the threads there do not show I have an attitude. It shows how frustrated I was. Learn the differences.

Note to others: I don't want to fight with anyone else so please do not get involved or this will just keep going on. I asked a simple question and would love a simple answer... and that means no rambling or answering questions I didn't ask. Mods, close this thread if no one wants to help or if no one can help because it's not a good idea for anyone to agree with Hobo.

Sphinx December 23rd, 2005 08:56 PM

Hobo, what did I tell you about trying to help snotty newbies with an attitute problem eh? She can go to the Limewire helpdesk if she needs further assistance for her direct answers LOL.

Remember, you dont get paid for putting up with a noobs abuse. :rolleyes:

Elizabeth81 December 23rd, 2005 08:58 PM

ok how do I make a file for a link instead of a website? Can you give an example?

Elizabeth81 December 23rd, 2005 09:00 PM


Originally posted by Sphinx
Hobo, what did I tell you about trying to help snotty newbies with an attitute problem eh? She can go to the Limewire helpdesk if she needs further assistance for her direct answers LOL.

Remember, you dont get paid for putting up with a noobs abuse. :rolleyes:

you just got yourself involved. I mentioned before not to for a reason but hey, that's your decision and your consequence you have to pay. It won't get pretty.

CyberStalker December 24th, 2005 07:19 AM

Uploading a website? Now I've heard it all.:rolleyes:


Also, a video can also contain a virus if u try looking for a video on limewire.
Elizabeth81, you said this earlier on in the thread. Everyone knows that you can accidentally download a virus through LimeWire but are you aware of the fact that you can end up with a virus from the Internet as well? Viruses are not just within the LimeWire network.:rolleyes:

As for wanting people to see this website. I think more people are going to see it on the Internet then on LimeWire. I don't think there are many people that search for websites on LimeWire.

Sphinx December 24th, 2005 09:30 PM


And, just what illigal activity are you using Limewire for Elizabeth81 Are you using it to steal games or software in your spare time???? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I think this is pretty funny. thanks for the xmas laugh, I needed it tonight. Uploading a website to Gnutella is the most childish and the most dumbest thing I've read in a long time.

People that get snotty over P2P is laughable at best. You havent got a clue what P2P actually is. You use P2P for file swapping not uploading a stupid website.

Good luck with all those viruses/spam and spyware that Im sure you're downloading just so you can steal that expensive piece of software or game. or uploading a phony website that you're too cheap to host somewhere. LMAO.

This is too priceless. Im done with this. What I want to know is how do you think people will use Gnutella to connect to your stupid website LOL. You need a host with a URL. All you can do with that is zip up the pages and offer it as a zip file or plain HTML. You really, really, havent got a clue how the web works is either.

and FYI: That would be considered spam to upload pages to Gnutella and it IS NOT the Limewire Network. Limewire is only the client that connects you to the Gnutella P2P Network. and if you do have a host, most hosts dont allow spamming of any kind.


HeadCraft December 24th, 2005 11:06 PM

uploading ANYTHING
uploading ANYTHING doesn't happen unless someone has done a SEARCH for the item. You or myself as a LW user hosting any file can't FORCE an upload, this isn't FTP.

I don't think you understand how LW works regarding uploads

Merry Christmas!

Elizabeth81 December 24th, 2005 11:44 PM

Sphinx, you seriously need to grow up. And you need help because your sense of humor is very weird and childish. And if I'm not uploading anything but just sharing, then maybe Limewire needs to stop using the term, "uploading." And if you don't believe me that Limewire actually do have websites, do a search yourself. You're not going to believe me til you do the search yourself. I know they have websites because sometimes I've tried doing a search on something and some websites came up. Do the search yourself. I know what Limewire is and what it does, I been using it for at least six months so don't call me stupid. And my websites are not stupid. I been building websites for about three years now and I'm just getting better at it and I work at it very hard for months. Don't ever call anything stupid when you haven't seen nothing yet. Sure, you can search a website online. You can do the same for videos on yahoo so why don't we just forget about Limewire and keep searching stuff online?

Grandpa December 25th, 2005 10:54 AM


HeadCraft is right there is no server that containers the files if you make a file or website URL available to share on your computer then it is available to share on the net. So once you do that it is available then if someone does a search that matches your web sit it will be available to them. But it is unlikely that very many people will know what to search for if any. As hobo told you before it doesn't do much good to make it available on the Gnutella net it would be better to list it with goggle.

Sphinx December 25th, 2005 05:49 PM

Insult me all you want, words in cyberspace mean nothing, this forum is for Limewire users, not spammers who want to upload pages to P2P. Im already an adult with a higher education than you. Im not even reading your posts because you dont have a clue. You cannot put a website on P2P because there is no way for users to connect to it, its stupid. and Im smart enough to know that if you are hosting it and you spam the network with it, your host will take down your site quicker than you put it up. When you growup and learn how the web/internet works then maybe you'll make some sense. Go setup your own server, keep your computer running 24/7 and host your own site so people can find it. Ive wasted too much time on this thread already go learn the hard way that it cant be done.

You dont even have a clue how a website works or is run without a real URL people WILL NOT find it and if thats too hard to uderstand in your little mind then go take a class on webhosting. You want to steal everything and put up worthless pages on Gnutella that no one will view is a waste online time.

Time for YOU to growup. Ive been online for over 6 years and know how it works, YOU obviously, dont. Heres a hint the only ones that upload pages are porn webmasters & hackers. Youw ant to lump yourself in with them, go for it.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Elizabeth81 December 25th, 2005 06:33 PM

ok you think you know everything about me. So since you know everything, tell me what college I went to? Tell me how long I been online? Tell me what kind of websites I create? If you're an adult, act like one. Just because you're an adult doesn't mean you can't act like a child. And I see you're still calling me a liar because you still have not done a search on limewire for websites. I guess you're gonna call me a liar forever because you will never do that search. You prefer to call me a liar then see the truth for yourself. I think you're too scared and chicken to admit that I'm right, that you have not done a search and that websites DO get uploaded on limewire. You're too scared but you won't admit it and I doubt you ever will. I know you're going to call me a liar all your whole life so go ahead... call me a liar even though you're making a huge mistake. I already know there is no way at all to get a site up without a URL. I told you, I have been building websites for three years... or did you miss that? Any person who builds websites for three years would know you cannot get a site up without a URL. I haev done this (build websites) for three years. That is long enough to know how websites work. I'd show you one of the sites I made but I don't think spamming here is allowed so I don't think I can give you one of the URLs I got here. If you want to help people, why not start with just being more friendly and quit acting like a jerk? No one wants to hang around a jerk like you. I don't care how long you been online. I been online for over ten years so that beats "over 6 years" because that might mean only 7 years. I am online A LOT which means often so I know about websites and stuff. Only smart and matured people would know that not ALL webmasters are people who create porn sites. I'm a webmaster and porn sites are gross so I don't make a porn site.

I asked Hobo how to get the file link uploaded along with the URL, of course and I'm still waiting to hear from him. I won't be surprised if he never answers. In fact, you made a mistake in getting involved. I told you not to get involved. Like I said, that was your decision to get involved so you pay the consequences of being called stupid and a jerk and "getting insulted." That's your problem now. So if you want to keep it up, fine with me. If not, I suggest you do not post to me again. It's up to you.

CyberStalker December 25th, 2005 08:17 PM


Originally posted by Elizabeth81
In fact, you made a mistake in getting involved. I told you not to get involved.
"I told you not to get involved"? I'm sorry but would you like it if someone said that to you? That would be like telling someone not to go onto a certain website or forum. When you post something in a forum expect people to get involved.

Elizabeth81 December 25th, 2005 09:40 PM

well that was up to them.

Elizabeth81 December 26th, 2005 09:23 AM

you're on Spinx side because she's your friend, not because she's right. Wake up and realize that. You think you're awake and you think you know everything but you don't. And I guess you didn't care when I said I hated rambling. You don't care about anything. Like I said a million times, it was up to them to get involved.

CyberStalker December 26th, 2005 09:29 AM

I think this thread should be locked.

Lord of the Rings December 26th, 2005 09:57 AM

Final word.

Put your url file or document with the address into your shares, then use LW to describe it so the description will help people find it by one of the description words linking to their searches. Vaguely a little similar to how paying google for your site to appear in searches works (not refering to the adverts.) People will then be able to find it using your description terms as well as the actual filename. Go to LW's Library window, select the file & press the Describe button. You may be aware of other means of adding a description to a file.

The extension files you can share are listed under LW's menu bar, Tools>Options>Sharing.

htm & html are listed here. However, you'll notice under Tools>Options>Filters>Keywords that some people filter out such files. So perhaps you could share both a htm file & another document file with the address. Besides, there's more than one type of url file; eg: xml & at least a couple more.

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