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noclans February 18th, 2006 11:06 PM

Major internet connection improvement
Normally I don't promote anything but this interesting little box has made a gigantic difference in my internet performance.
This is especially important with LimeWire.

For about 60 bucks US you can eliminate the lag induced by your router. Yes, the crappy routers induce a lot of the lag you experience.

Instead of repeating a lot of stuff here just go look at this forum thread and get up to speed:

Then, if interested, here is the info you need:

Hawking Technology Broadband Booster (HBB1)

Google on: Hawking Technology Broadband Booster

Note: I can run Limewire with all connections, up and down, active, play COD2, and another PC on the router playing WoW, and there is no lag. repeat... no lag.
The files stream down via LimeWire at optimal speeds while I enjoy other activities.

Yea buddy.... forget about paying roadrunner for a bandwith upgrade. 60 bucks just save me a lot of money over time.

Sleepless February 19th, 2006 01:31 AM

First of all this isn't a add agensy, this forum is to help people

Second you can get all those benifits by applying the EviD patch so stop ripping people off

noclans February 19th, 2006 09:22 AM

never heard of the EviD patch. thanks for the info.

if it works then it is better than spending 60 bucks.

Also, this is the Open Discussion isn't it?

I may be a n00b here but I recognize the habitual flamer style.

Sleepless February 19th, 2006 02:39 PM

Sorry for the rude answer before, but there is no need to pay money for something, if you can get it just as good for free.

With the patch you can increase the number of connections.
Many antivirus and spywareprograms will pick it up as a hacking tool (which it is in a way. It gives you access to settings windows doesn't allow) so you will have to disable them while applying the patch

In my experience it works great

you can get it from this site

noclans February 19th, 2006 03:04 PM

While I can recognize the need for reconfiguring tcpip.sys to allow more connections I don't understand how EviD compares to what the HBB1 does in terms of implementing QoS properly.

I.e.; while EviD will certainly help with P2P by allowing more connections, I don't see how it will help with router overload when there are multiple PCs connected to the router and performing data transfer intensive operations.

Any ideas as how to compre the two properly?

(I'd hate to think I bought and was recommending purchase of "smoke and mirrors" technology.)

Sleepless February 19th, 2006 03:36 PM

I have up to 3 PC's connected to the same router, and I had a lot of trouble from running Limewire + other programs connected at the same time before I used the patch. It was so bad that I had to choose if I wanted to run limewire and nothing else, or to not run limewire so I could use it for other tasks

now I have applied the patch on 2 of the computers. Since then I have not ran into a single problem with failed downloads or hung connections (offcourse limiting limewires bandwidth usage according to what I need for other programs)

I'm just saying that if you have trouble from those kind of issues it is really worth a try before spending money, as it really will help in a lot of cases

I am not saying that your option isn't good, but it costs money and the patch is free. Also I may not have read your first post very well before answering, as it seems to me from your last reply that you are talking about completely different things, and not about running limewire while playing online games chatting or using another P2P at the same time, but more about how to be able to run limewire in a corparate inviroment

noclans February 19th, 2006 09:00 PM

concur. try free solution before commercial version.

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