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elementsk8tr659 March 26th, 2006 09:45 AM

Questions about the legalness of limewire!!HELP!!
I understand that downloading copyright material is illegal...But i was wondering would it be illegal if you pay for the service? Meaning, If you pay for limewire pro then you are actually purchasing accesss to the file sharing world. So if you pay for it, how can it be Illegal?

Lord of the Rings March 26th, 2006 10:41 AM

Paying for legal use
LW does not own the copyrights to copyright material. What you pay for with LW pro is the extra small improvements & fine-tuning to the program's underlying engine. And what's thought of by many people as more of a donation toward LW's development. Since LW produce the code for others to use & adapt. If not for LW then there would be a major void. So helping out by contributing toward the programmers costs of living & more than the average job contributing xtra time & effort to sorting out issues with the program & occasionally helping out on the forum. They at least visit the forum to pick up on potential for improvement. Though most problems if any lie with the inefficiencies of Java.

So to answer your question, no Pro has no relationship with copyrighting of songs or other types of files. That's a user issue.

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