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rkelly June 13th, 2006 08:20 PM

Found: Word file with Credit Card #'s
While browsing a host for other songs than what I had searched for, I came across a Word document titled "2006 Credit Cards with names and addresses"! My curiosity led me to downloading and opening the file. The document has listed 11 different people, with their address, social security #s, date of birth, type of card, card #, expiration date and email address. My first incling is to notify the FBI. I have printed out the document and I printed out the IP address of the host that displayed at the top of the page on the tab. I have emailed LimeWire asking for their opinion. If I report it, should I do it annonomously, as to not incriminate me for downloading music? What is everyone elses opinion?

Peerless June 13th, 2006 08:25 PM

mmmm...I wouldn't worry about incriminating yourself via the FBI, as they aren't in the copyright policing business...they are, however, into catching ppl trading in such personal info, and at the very least should be able to contact the ppl (if they are even real) and notifying them of the setch...the reason I say 'if they are even real' is that the file might just be some bogus thing floating around as a joke..on the other hand it just might be real, though I doubt the person sharing it was the originator of the file...

rkelly June 13th, 2006 08:35 PM

Credit Cards
Just Googled two of the phone numbers, and they match the people listed on the document! Each one of these lists have their email address. I wonder if I should notify them via email?

Sphinx June 13th, 2006 09:27 PM

Id be extra careful because if they find out that you were snooping and downloaded something you shouldn't have via P2P then YOU will be one one who will get arrested for breaking and entering into someone's computer. I agree with Peerless, they could be bogus names and fake numbers. No one in their right mind would share such info for downloading on P2P. Id let it go if I were you. The emails could be fake as well. Sounds like a scam.

AaronWalkhouse June 13th, 2006 11:03 PM

Hmmm. That's a fairly popular file, and there are 4 versions dating back to April
2005 shared by 16 people.

Yeah, this looks like stale data from an old leak. If any harm was done, it was
all over long ago. Just discard it as garbage data. No doubt the cards have all
been canceled and these folks are well out of harm's way.

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