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Iamnacho August 26th, 2002 10:21 PM

Whats goin on around here?
I have long been a supporter of Xolox from almost the beginning. If one were to look back at the old threads they would see my nick splattered all over saying good things about the program and helping users to get thru all of the problems that come up when a new client is released. I remained a loyal user thru the period of time when Xolox was "dead."
I was extremely happy when I caught word that Xolox would be continued after all. Here are some things that I have noticed about the "new xolox"

Yes it is a good client and fairly reliable.
Yes it is simple, which to some is what they need.
No, I do not like that there are banners and such strung all over the program. This takes away from the simpleness of the old GUI style. To me this is very disapointing.

Another thing that bothers me is that the xolox team seems to be a totally different set of people. This too me is scary. How do dedicated users such as myself know that xolox is still around for its original ideas and motives. WE DONT. :(

Ok probably enough ranting and raving on my end. Just one concluding note. XOLOX brought and kept many users on Gnutella and changed the filesharing community forever by implimenting new features that are now standard in any decent program. But please Team XOLOX... your gonna loose all your old supporters if you continue on the path that your going. And will turn an excellent program into a shame.

Ok, im done now.. go ahead and tear my words apart so i can just edit your posts :) just kidding.. I will let someone edit them.

Unregistered August 27th, 2002 03:37 AM

true words

Unregistered August 27th, 2002 05:01 PM

blinking ads and popups, repeated popups. no new features. disapointing new Xolox, a ripoff?

cardplayer September 1st, 2002 10:33 AM

I agree
I TOTALLY AGREE. I think it is a new set of programmers...

KayaMan September 2nd, 2002 02:06 PM

Iamnacho.. i agree with you. I hope things take a turn into a more positive direction soon as well... which is the plan.

Iamnacho September 2nd, 2002 02:08 PM

i hope so too.... this used to be the best client on gnutella... i am not sure anymore though...

Unregistered September 4th, 2002 08:06 AM

Xolox was once the best program. at the moment Gnutella is dead, every other network gives better results. propably this changes in the future, but all my friends stopped using Gnutella.

Unregistered September 10th, 2002 02:23 PM


Big fan of Xolox (swore by it). Forced all my friends at gunpoint to go and get it when it started up again. I stuck with it as long as I could. I would be visiting my friends and see that they had switched to another file sharing app and I would say "Where's your Xolox man?". To which they (over a dozen different people) would reply "Oh I got rid of that piece a while back. " All advanced compter users (sys admins, programmers etc.).

It suddenly dawned on me that people in general do not care one way or the other as long as they get their FILES. None of them cared about spyware, banners (although nobody liked pop-up ads), anonymity, ease of use, GUI.

None of these things mattered (even to veteran users). What mattered? If they selected a file to download, they got it. That was IT.

To this day they mass exodus to where ever this requirement is met. I know a couple guys that install 5 and 6 fileshare apps and hop from one to the next UNTIL they "GET THEIR FILE".

After a while now I am beginning to give in to the herd mentallity.

It seems everyone I know gets their files, and here I am a shmuck who cares and I hardly ever get any of mine.

It just wore me out the months of trying to download files and having it sit there, nothing (even thru upgrades). Or the constant error messages.

What can you do accept go with the flow and when Xolox gets it together come back around? Believe me when something WORKS, people flock to it like they are FASTNET. They JUST WANT THEIR FILES.

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