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andrew glinn July 17th, 2002 06:38 AM

xolox 2.2 keeps crashing
I keep getting the problem report page. It used to work. I am in the process of down load a bunch of stuff. Is there any way I can preserve my downloads and fix the problem.



KayaMan July 18th, 2002 01:26 AM

You can try saving the resumeinfo.txt in the same folder the xolox.exe is ( c:/program files/xolox) and then re-adding it on a clean install.

here is a paste from another thread that may also help you :

Careful fix: Slow but your settings are preserved and few downloads lost.

1) Check for a corrupted resumeinfo.txt
•All JOB tags should have 9 lines of stuff before the first SEGMENT tag.
•All SEGMENT tags should have 4 lines before the next SEGMENT or HOST tag.
•All HOST tags should have 7 lines before the next HOST tag or the end of the file.

If any of these are messed up, delete the last JOB in the file

2) Check for invalid registry entries. Go to Start -> Run -> Regedit and find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Xolox and compare the following entries:

key ------ my setting ------ valid settings ------ use (when 1 if not otherwise noted)

sockslevel --- "" --- ??? --- I don't use a firewall, if you do, then procede to the semi-drastic solution section.
sockspassword --- "" --- ??? --- ""
socksport --- "" --- ??? --- ""
socksserver --- "" --- ??? --- ""
socksusercode --- "" --- ??? --- ""
autohidebadresults --- "1" --- 0 or 1 --- hides bad results (unused crc funtion?)
autoupdate --- "1" --- 0 or 1 --- enables auto-updating of the software.
clearfinished --- "1" --- 0 or 1 --- clears finished or aborted downloads
completedir --- "C:\Program Files\XoloX\downloads" --- any directory --- place completed downloads here
current dir --- "C:\Program Files\XoloX\" --- location of xolox --- tells xolox where it's installed
dropincorrectsegments --- "1" --- 0 or 1 --- immediately drops segments that don't match the segment being resumed
FF --- "" --- let XoloX handle this --- encrypted family filter password, emty sting means no password, and no filter
firsttime --- "false" --- true or false --- doesn't seem to do anything for me.
incompletedir --- "C:\Program Files\XoloX\temp" --- any directory --- place where xolox puts it's partial downloads
maxuploadspeeditem --- "2" --- any integer --- self explanitory
shareddirs --- "edited out" --- any number of directories seperared by commas (but no more than one from a single directory tree) --- self explanitory
sharedextension --- " ace,asf,avi,bin,exe,gif,htm,html,iso,jpg,mid,mov,m
a,tiff,txt,wav,wma,zip" --- any number of file extensions seperated by commas (wildcards can't be used... ? * - etc) --- self explainitory
showsharedfiles --- "1" --- 0 or 1 --- shows your shared files on the "files" page
showuploads --- "1" --- 0 or 1 --- shows uploads on the "download" page
speedtype --- "0" --- 0 or 1 --- sets your speed type to broadband
switchtosavemode --- "1" --- 0 or 1 --- switches to save mode if there are lots of badly connecting segments
totd --- "0" --- 0 or 1 --- turns on the tip of the day
usemaxonidle --- "0" --- 0 or 1 --- turns off upload restrictions after 15 minutes of idle time

Semi-drastic fix: may have problems if you have a corrupted resumeinfo.txt file, but fixes any registry problems. All user settings are deleted.

Delete the key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Xolox and start up xolox, re-set your settings.

Drastic fix: Fast and easy, it kills all of your cirrent downloads. (back up your /downloads directory first)
Delete your XoloX directory, delete the Xolox registry entry, then re-install XoloX"

hope that helped :)

KayaMan July 18th, 2002 01:28 AM

Oh and btw.. you must mean 1.20 ... don't know what you meant by 2.2

andrew glinn July 18th, 2002 06:32 AM

Yes my mistake

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