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jbarre12 November 19th, 2006 11:24 AM

Can you change a song file size?
maybe I am on the wrong site but can anyone tell me what group to post to about my question?? Question: Can you change a song file size??:(

Peerless November 19th, 2006 12:26 PM

you can...buts its rather stupid to do so...why?, because you are compressing an already compressed file (assuming you are talking about a file other than a .wav file)...the more you compress an audio file, the lower its kwality gets..

how a file gets compressed for online sharing:

one starts by ripping a file from a CD...said CD has the .wav forms of the files (though they are in .cda format, as that is how a commercial cd is manufactured) can rip as a direct copy in the form of .wav, or you can directly go to mp3 (or other) format with a compression factor of your general, ppl who are kwality minded will choose a bitrate of 320kb/s...192kb/s is the standard scene release bitrate....128 is the bare acceptable minimum

in a nutshell, just reacquire a desired file at a lower bitrate (which = smaller file size)...that is assuming you are looking for a smaller file size...

jbarre12 November 19th, 2006 01:13 PM

Thank you for your answer, I just download a whole cd but the songs files are so large the songs want fix on one cd and I can not find the songs any more. Thank again.

Sleepless November 19th, 2006 03:24 PM

You are confusing filesize and length. Making them lower bitrate won't make them fit on a CD

A cd will fit 80 minutes. If the CD is longer than 80 minutes it is probably ripped from a DVD or something like that.

If the length is 1 file with like 150 minutes of mp3 then you can cut the file instead

This tool is very good

Download Mp3Cutter4 :) (Link)

jbarre12 November 19th, 2006 03:32 PM

Ok tell me what I am talking about, the file size is 18,146kb that one songs. I will be back, I was guessing that they want fix

jbarre12 November 19th, 2006 03:41 PM

Thank you so much. The songs fix with room to spare. Thank agian.

Sleepless November 19th, 2006 03:44 PM

(Edit: Was answering the first reply. Glad to see you got it sorted :))

Yes but a CD will fit 80 minutes of audio, it has nothing to do with filesize

A CD will fit 700MB or 700.000KB (Filesize)

The tool I linked to will cut the file in 2,3,4 or as many pieces as you want (Lenght not filesize. Filesize will be split according to length)

Make a copy of the tracks then edit the copies as you like. Just incase something goes wrong then you still have the originals.

jbarre12 November 19th, 2006 04:19 PM

Thank you, I have a program that let me see that and alse let me if the song is any good. Them file size scary me a little bit.

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