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Gaio Macareg July 25th, 2002 05:25 PM

Upload transfers
I'd like it a lot if the program would leave up the list of which files I actually have people grab just the same way that it lets me choose to delete automatically or manually the files I've grabbed from others.

I don't know about anyone else, but I use my shared folders for storing the files I use myself. I don't have duplicates. So when I'm done with something it's gone. But if I knew a ton of people wanted it, I'd probably keep it around until it's popularity dropped. Right now, I'd have to spend all day watching to see when someone is grabbing a file from me and keep a manual log of what that file is. I like to be helpful and share what people want, and the upload transfers list is the only information I have to tell me what people are actually looking for (opposed to what they are providing for others, not the same thing at all).

An alternate/additional way to do this is to least tag the files in my list of shares under the files window. Where you now have 4 columns (file name, size, date modified, type) add a column for uploaded this many times.

Ironman July 25th, 2002 09:45 PM

Another good idea. I often clear out files that I am not using and might cause someone to have a problem getting a download to complete by doing so. If I knew what was being downladed I would leave it alone for others to get. Gaio I think you and I think a lot alike when it comes to filesharing. Just wish I had thought of it first. LOL

Gaio Macareg July 25th, 2002 09:52 PM

How does the saying go? "Great minds think alike, then there's us."

Gaio Macareg July 28th, 2002 02:13 PM

Amazing. Honestly, does no one else care about knowhing what files others want you to share?!? Think about it people, it means that each time you try to download something and get cut off, the person who was hosting it is more likely to keep that file around and give you a second try.

antihedron July 28th, 2002 03:57 PM

In my opinion if possable, users should share as many files as they can. For most people sharing everything they download is fine. No need to only share popular files. However, having those kind of statistics can be useful.

Micky August 21st, 2002 04:22 PM

One thing has been puzzling me. There appears to be a limit to the number of people who can download from my shared folders at one time. 4 seems to be the exact number. The question is: are the number of uploads really limited to four? I never seem to get more than about 20kb/s uploads registered in the uploads box in XoloX. My bandwidth could easily support more people uploading. Is the reason that uploads are so slow that a lot of users have modem connections or is there some sort of set of processing steps that slow traffic between computers?

Is there anyway to allow more people to upload at one time? And, does XoloX only register other XoloX users uploading or all GNUtella users?

If there really is a limit then this impacts upon what you should share. The more popular a file, the more it is downloaded, the more it is downloaded and so the more copies that will be present on the GNUtella network and hopefully more copies will be shared. However, people downloading popular files would block users looking for rarer files. Which suggests you should be selective about the files you choose to share.

I'm not sure if this is true. Another, problem that complicates this is XoloX's ability to simultaneously download from several different computers at once. On top of which is the fact that when I look at my uploads box two of the four I can see being download are the same file. Does all this mean that we should avoid sharing commonly available files?

antihedron August 21st, 2002 08:07 PM

Your upload spped can be set using the dropdown box in the preferences. Just set it to what speed you feel is appropriate.

Micky August 22nd, 2002 01:43 AM

I have it set to max but the number of uploads that can be made at one time seems to be limited to four. Each upload is going between 6-10kb/s apart from one that is about 1-3kb/s. So the total uploads are averaging about 30kb/s.

KayaMan August 22nd, 2002 01:49 AM

ahhh very obervant Mickey. That is correct.. the ratio for uploads on max ix 4 simultaneous. You would not want to be bogged down with more concurrent ones then that ( so xolox feels). The speed however should not be effected once set to Max.

The speed you choose for upload directly correlates with how many simul. downloads and uploads you can have - as well as node connections. It's a good ratio to make things balanced to ensure fairness and reduce leeches.

antihedron August 22nd, 2002 10:16 AM

I wouldn't mind having alot more that four upload slots. I like to leave my computer running 24/7, and my computer is capable of handling alot more than four uploads. So having only four on my computer limits my computer's ability to help others.

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