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Old December 22nd, 2006
SwordOfWar SwordOfWar is offline
Join Date: December 22nd, 2006
Posts: 8
SwordOfWar is flying high

Originally Posted by dguru
hey there folks when i try to download an audio file off shareaza it takes forever to downlaod it goes at a 4kb transfer rate which is stupid as i have 2 mb broadband so the downlaod speeds must be faster than that so how do i make it faster????

i am running shareaza on a windows xp with sp2 with norton anti vrus 2005 with a 2 mb broadband connection
Well the best option is to set the search window to show files wit the host sources at the top, this way when you do a search you will download from the one with the most people.

It is hard to say why your downloads are slow without knowing what settings you have it set on. Shareaza is an advanced multi-network program that requires proper configuration to be effective, otherwise use LimeWire because its very simple and out-of-the-box effective.
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