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Old January 6th, 2008
rezaq rezaq is offline
Join Date: January 6th, 2008
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rezaq is flying high
Default Problem to open lime wire

First, sorry for my english... I speek french, so, I'm trying to write in English

I've a problem to open limewire (4.14). I've a Macbook (OS X- Leopard 10.5.1) and I never had download this program.

I can download the program but when I want to open limewire, that's impossible! I've a message 'Fatal Error'

I tryed to download a new time the program but nothing other than first time...
I searched too in 'Preferences/...limewire....plist' or 'gnutella' b'cause I read that can to be the reason of my problem but I never found...

Can you help me...? I don't know really good Mac b'cause that's a new thing for me...

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