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Old February 9th, 2004
!!! !!! is offline
Join Date: December 6th, 2003
Posts: 43
!!! is flying high

I encountered a spoof mp3 today, so I used bitcollider to submit a report, but after I pressed submit, I got this error message:

"We had a problem processing your entry:

* You must supply a value for bitprint

Please back up using your browser, correct it, and resubmit your entry.

Thank you."

Anybody else also getting this error message?

Also, bitzi reports are useful only if everyone did a lookup before each download, which I presume is usually not the case because it's too much of a hassle.

RIAA bogus file reports would be more handy if it was distributed in the Gnutella network itself and limewire showed warnings right next to each search result.
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