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Old May 23rd, 2004
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Originally posted by et voilą
Ya P2P is filled with profitors and opportunists people. Dave of acquisition is one of them. I laught loud when I read the thread 109.2 that acquisition is a one man work. LOL ! At least in market share Dave is very low compared to morpheus and shareaza. There will be natural selection and those apps are bound to extinction sooner or later (a lot of chances are that they'll die before LW). BTW I'm a reader of slyck forums as well and saw that thread. I can say that opinions about gnutella and lw are much better now than they were last year.
I think dave is quite right in Acquisition being an one man project, but he always forgets words like "interface", for it is an one man INTERFACE project. I assume he is not overly happy to have me asking when he will integrate the new features of the LimeWire core into Acquisition time and again, but that is how it goes: Truth comes back through people.

Only thing really bugging me about it is, that he didn't GPL the interface-code, for GPLing it would have improved most OSX p2p-interfaces, I assume (while he'd necessarily have to stay ahead of the curve, but could use improvements by others...). Somehow I don't overly like pipelining.

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