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  #3 (permalink)  
Old June 24th, 2000
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Paco:
To help to see what downloads are unfinished, the extension .gnutella could be added to the name of the file until it is finished, like getright does.

This would be useful.

I think if I was the one sitting down trying to make a GnutellaNet protocol, I would have thought long and hard about if I should scramble files in transfer, and then in the final stages of the transfer, send the recieviing client the unlock key. File is not usable until recieved fully.

Maybe it's a bit harsh, what you propose here should work too.

What does annoy me though, is that some people seems to have their up and download directory the same place. I.e. they serve not completed downloads.

Feature request:
Disallow this in Gnotella. Check when a user wants to do it, disallow it and give him a friendly why in a textbox. And of course it would be nice if all the GnutellaNet implementations would do the same, right?
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