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Old October 4th, 2004
Walknmiracle Walknmiracle is offline
Join Date: October 4th, 2004
Posts: 6
Walknmiracle is flying high
Question No Audio, What Happened??? HELP

I am a totally newbie at this downloading thing. I just bought a computer with a DVD burner and I joined limewire to dowload movies and music. I looked up a movie my wife has been wanting to see, it had a dowload entitled 1 of 2 and 2 of 2 so I assumed it took two downloads and 2 DVD's . It was an AVI format, which I don't understand the different types, does one play back better in some machines? Anyway it took awhile to download, about 30 min and then I burrned it which took about 30 to 40 min. When I played in my DVD player the preview started with sound and everything looked ok, except the quality of the picture was not all that great, but it might have been the file I don't know. Anyway about 3 min into the movie all the sound completely stopped and never returned. Did I do something wrong? Can somebody give me some do' and don'ts about downloading movies and how to avoid this from happening again. Also is the picture quality usually poor from a downloaded version. thanks ahead of time for all your help.
Kevin L.
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