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Old November 23rd, 2004
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arne_bab arne_bab is offline
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Join Date: May 31st, 2002
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arne_bab is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

You know, download speed on the network is limited by the total upload speed of those who have the file.

If you try to download from 120 people, but at the same time 500 other people try to download from those, the upload speed of those 120 people gets divided between the 500 downloaders, so every downloader gets only a fraction of the upload speed of the uploaders. That is why sharing files is so important.

Besides: If you have a provider which supports multicast, your data might go to more than one person at the same time. Sadly those are scarce.

An easieer answer is to get more people to share files.

And that E-Mail also doesn't go to thousands of people at the same time without effort. Instead the Mailservers exchange them, and they often get sent a thousand times, not only one time. The only exception is, when all receivers use the same provider, but even then all of those have to download the Mail individually. As mailsender you just use the capacities of a Mailserver, which has all the work to do, while you have almost none. In p2p Apps, users do that work themselves, and no mailserver would be able to serve the sheer volume of traffic which is normal in p2p-networks.

At least no private server I know about.

So try to get people to share, only then can everyone in the network get better download speeds.

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