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Old December 4th, 2004
Grant Grant is offline
Join Date: December 4th, 2004
Location: South Florida
Posts: 1
Grant is flying high
Default SWAPPER freezes at startup

„h Operating System WIN XP with SP2
„h Gnutella Client SWAPPER ver. 4.5.1672.94
„h Internet connection DSL

„h Error >>>
When executing the program, the SWAPPER.NET
logo screen stays frozen at startup.
At the bottom of this screen its shows "Initialize Configuration"
I can navigate through most menues and Windows XP thinks that the program is running.

I've attemtped to remove and reinstall both swapper and ms frames.
After re-installation I see that the program remembers the share directories and paths. I've tried to remove all entries from the registry but simply removing all items related to swapper will not sucessfully remove all items from the registry.

How can I totally remove this program or resolve this issue ???
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