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Old December 20th, 2004
sberlin sberlin is offline
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Join Date: November 4th, 2002
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sberlin is flying high

That's very strange, Rom. Had you been succesfully using 4.2.6 before it asked you to re-enter your settings and lost your downloads? When was the last time you used LimeWire succesfully before this happened today?

The problem with losing your download is probably a consequence of LimeWire losing track of your settings. You should redo your settings so that you have the same 'Save Directory' as you did before, and that will cause LimeWire to reuse the old incomplete directory also. Actually -- one small catch with that is that you'll want to copy and save the 'downloads.dat' file from the incomplete directory before tell LimeWire what the save directory should be. The reason is that when LimeWire closes after you set the new directory, it will overwrite the existing downloads.dat. So...

1) Copy downloads.dat somewhere safe.
2) Tell LimeWire where the old save directory was at.
3) Shutdown LimeWire
4) Put the copied downloads.dat back in the incomplete folder.
5) Start up LimeWire

That _should_ get LimeWire using your old incomplete files again.

I agree that none of this should be necessary. It's very strange that LimeWire lost track of your preferences. Had you done any other system upgrade, or did you perhaps change users on OSX?
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