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Old January 21st, 2005
Ne0teric Ne0teric is offline
Join Date: January 18th, 2005
Posts: 17
Ne0teric is flying high

i've called insight and even did a live chat session... that isnt going to do ****... the ppl u talk too really have no damn clue about wtf they are talking about, i mean they will say we dont do this we dont do that and all this other **** but then pop a question like then who is mediacom eh or why is sandvine in touch with your service and then you will notice how dumb them stupid ****s really are and mediacom are the ppl actually doing the blocking of the ports thats why insightBB can say they are only blocking "4" ports but you know they know of the doing's by mediacom. i have another cable choice in town called ZOOMTOWN and my dad happens to have it so i went over to his house and d/led and tried all of the P2P programs onto his cpu that no longer work on mines w/ having Insightbb and it worked fine and i didnt have to mess w/ any option settings (as i feel unless you have a firewall or router) none of those tips really even need done as i feel they dont help at all. WHAT I AM GOING TO DO TO VOICE MY OPINION THE LOUDEST IS CALL THEM UP AND TELL THEM OF THEIR STUIPD **** THEN TELL THEM I WANT MY SERVICE CANCELLED AND I'M SWITCHING OVER TO ZOOMTOWN, THATS THE LOUDEST VOICE U COULD MAKE TO THE COMPANY FOR THEM TO GET THERE **** STRAIGHT AND DO IT FOR THE PPL WHO HAVE ONLY 1 CABLE INTERNET OPTION (INSIGHT) SO HOPEFULLY THOSE PPL DONT STAY ****ED FOREVER
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