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Old January 21st, 2005
sberlin sberlin is offline
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Join Date: November 4th, 2002
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sberlin is flying high

Thanks for posting the copy of the error message, Susanna. We aren't quite sure why you're seeing that message. Did you try downloading the file again? Also try getting the one from the main download link (not the beta) -- we're putting this version in production for the weekend.

Others seem to have no problem running it, so it doesn't appear to be a problem with the file itself.

What version of Windows are you using, and do you have any AntiVirus programs active?

I'd recommend clearing that cache in your web browser, deleting whatever installer you may have downloaded, and attempting to download it again.

If all else fails, right-click on the downloaded file and choose 'Create Shortcut'. Then, right-click on the shortcut and choose 'Properties'. In that box, click the 'Shortcut' tab click on the box to right of 'Target', move to the end of it, and type "/NCRC" (without the quotes). Then double-click on the shortcut and the installer should run. Hopefully you won't need to go through all this, though.

Let us know how it goes.
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