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Old September 27th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Question 1.12 and Windows 2000 problems? Just me?

Hey all,

I really like XoloX in terms of what it does when it is working, but I get BSODs every single time I use the program for more than 20 minutes or so.

I can CONNECT and DOWNLOAD files just fine. My connection is fast and pretty much open, I don't have any speed or strict completion problems.

The problem is that if XoloX runs for more than 20-30 minutes I get fatal exceptions (BSOD) and have to reboot. If I leave the computer while it's downloading it will automatically reboot.
Unfortunately I do not have the specific BSOD codes available. They're memory errors I believe, but I'd have to read one out to be sure and I don't want to crash my system just to write one down.

Here's my system specs, and it's pretty complete because I never know just what might be causing the problem/conflict:

OS: Windows2000 (latest service packs, etc.)
MB: ASUS A7V (damned VIA chipset)
RAM: 256MB PC133
HDD1: 20GB HDD (system disk)
HDD2: 45GB HDD (data disk)
VC: GeForce2 Deluxe
SC: Soundblaster Live! 256
CD: Yamaha DVD-ROM
NIC: Linksys 10/100 PCI
USB memory stick reader
RIO MP3 player uplink cable (parallel port attachment)

All drivers are latest including the BIOS. OS is current as well. I don't run any background applications except for WinkeyKill. I run antivirus software on an individual basis when doing anything specific/intensive, so it's not that.

One other point perhaps worth mentioning:
I installed the program on the primary disk (C but the download directories are on the data disk (D. Having an Apps disk and a Data disk is a habit I got into after using Wi*** and having it ruin all my data occasionally. Keeping data on one disk and system files/apps on another has really saved me in cases where the system goes kablooie. Could having the program on one physical disk and the data on another be causing these problems?

I connect to the interent via a cable modem through a proxy server.

Like I said, when XoloX works, it's fantastic- I get files off of XoloX that I simply CANNOT get using other gnu and FT clients so I really want to work these problems out.
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