Thread: Can't Quit
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Old January 30th, 2005
Grantmann Grantmann is offline
Join Date: January 16th, 2005
Posts: 14
Grantmann is flying high


First, the preliminaries I should have mentioned earlier: eMac 1.0 gHz, 356MB, OSX 10.3.6; LW 4.2 6, DSL connection 225KB +/- sec down and 28KB+/- sec up.

I do have iTunes import enabled so I know that they will be imported, (I play them almost immediately so I know they're there) but I click update to clear the library and to make things clean (I guess).

Actually, everything clears except for a red file called ".DS_Store" about 6KB. What is that, by the way?

Also, what are red incomplete files? Corrupted?

I am NOT an Ultrapeer - it is disabled.

My Auto-clear is checked and shutdown is immediate (I clicked 'apply' when I made the change a while ago.)

I do not allow partial file sharing. It's been unticked for a couple of weeks.

Regarding sharing, or shared folders, where someone might be trying to upload them as you mentioned, the only place I have in my preferences for sharing is my iTunes folder, and I usually check the 'Monitor' window to see if anyone's uploading. Out of courtesy, I wait until no one's uploading and then I quit...or attempt to quit, and yes, I do know how to force quit in OSX. because that's how I have to get out of LimeWire.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks and regards,

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