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Old September 28th, 2001
The Seeker The Seeker is offline
Panthera Onca
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Default Re: New user queries

Heya, I'm kinda the unnoficcial FAQbot around here... sorry I missed your post... I'll reply to it now.

Originally posted by Chrisp
During install it asked if I have a modem or high speed connection, I selected modem as I am using a 56K device. I assume a high speed connection would be dsl or cable, am I correct? There doesn't appear to be an option to change this later.
This is correct, actually, it's anything under 160kbps, but that's splitting hairs. It's true that there is nowhere to change this option (without digging in the registry) and I'm a little erked by the fact that you don't get the dialog box (or registry entry) after upgrading, only on a fresh install. (Or running after deleting the entire registry key)

Under Preferences>Network there is a box to add a Gnutella Host but there is no indication as to which hosts are used by default (is there a list?) nor which Hosts I am connected to for a session. Why would I wish to add Hosts and how would I know which new ones to add?
The hosts used by default are hard-coded into the program and currently cannot be viewed nor changed by any simple means. In my experience, adding a host to the box in the preferences attempts to connect to it immediately and does not add it to the cache. It has also seemed to only work for me when entering a domain name as opposed to an IP. (ie: localhost instead of or as opposed to

I tried to follow the link for the user guide but it doesn't seem to work (I'm a rare breed, I always like to read through the manual just to be sure I'm not missing anything).
I was going to mention this as well. This is a new addition to the web site that just came back up, perhaps a typo in the link or a file that hasn't been able to be uploaded yet (due to the ISP problems)

The faq talks about Segmented concurrent downloading, can I assume that xolox will automatically do concurrent downloading where possible?
Yes, XoloX will re-search for more hosts with the file you are downloading (currently every 10 minutes) and keep trying to connect to any hosts it finds. The number of segments that it will try to download at once is 'uploadspeed' * 2 Since you are on a 56K modem, I would suggest setting the upload speed to 2 instead of 3. (I would reccommend 3 to ISDN users)

A setting of 2 allows you 4 download segments (no bandwidth limits on downloads), and one upload segment with a limit of 2K/s. This should easily saturate your connection, though a setting of 1 may not. I would also uncheck the max on idle, as all that will do is allow you to try and download more segments at once and drop the upload speed throttle... slowing everything to a crawl and likely to keep you disconnected from the network.

Finally, does the auto-resume download option look for the exact file that was being downloaded i.e same file, same user or does it look for a similar file from another user? Also, if an interrupted file was being downloaded originally from multiple hosts simultaneously does this affect the auto-resume download in any way?
XoloX currently re-searches using the terms used in your original search for the file you are downloading. any file that matches the search terms and the file size exactly are treated as copies of the same file. This extremely simple method of getting more segments by allowing different file names has potential for causing some problems in small files (as noted elsewhere), but works rather well for large ones.

XoloX will attempt to download from previously discovered hosts upon re-starting, then will search for more hosts with the file as needed. The only affect getting disconnected while downloading from multiple sources has on the download is that there will be more segments to put together.

Hope that helps.

PS (Moak has a habit of posting while I'm typing)