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Old February 27th, 2005
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arne_bab arne_bab is offline
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I think ultracross does have a point. how many clicks/how long does it take, to rip a CD and to share its contents?

On the Mac:
*Insert a CD
*iTunes pops up
*Press import
*Go to the share-prefs in LimeWire (2 clicks)
*Find the folder via the LimeWire-Interface (at least 4 clicks, rather longer)

This is about 9 or 10 user actions and some necessary prior knowledge (where does iTunes store my mp3s?).

I would rather see it being like this:

*insert a CD
Limewire detects: CD-inserted, iTunes avaible, CD not yet known to LW, iTunes-music-folder-location, if the CD has already been ripped and if it is already shared:
LimeWire asks "shall the CD be ripped? (options)
*Set options and click rip (1 to 4 clicks)
iTunes rips the CD, informs LimeWire as soon as it is ready.
LimeWire reads out the CDDB or freeDB information on the CD, or gets the info from iTunes.
LimeWire aks: Shall the ripped mp3s be shared? Warning: <copyright-information: share only content, which may legally be shared or similar>
*Click "Share".

If the CD has already been imported, but not shared and LW never asked before, it asks:
Shall the ripped mp3s be shared? Warning: <copyright-information: share only content, which may legally be shared or similar>
*Click "Share".

This is 3 to 6 user actions at most and 2 at the very least and no need to think anyhow (I'm lazy, yes, but allowing for this makes a comfortable GUI). Why should I need any more?

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Last edited by arne_bab; February 27th, 2005 at 11:11 AM.
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