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Old March 1st, 2005
relang7 relang7 is offline
Join Date: February 10th, 2005
Location: PA
Posts: 7
relang7 is flying high

OK, folks, in reading this forum, I was messing and did what fabion said just trying to get to know this program better:

In LmeWire go to 1) tools 2) options 3) sharing - highlight the folder - this should un-grey the remove - then just click remove and it should be removed - and not deleted

I figured I could put the saved file back into the shared file........

When I tried to restore all my files to shared, I can't seem to do it. I tried typing the address of the shared file, and cannot type in that space, nor can I copy and paste it. So right now,

I'M A LEACH!!!!!
HOw do I restore sharing, and is there a way to choose WHICH saved fles to share???

Thanks for all the time you all spend answering our questions!! 'And thanks for all the great music!
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