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Old March 4th, 2005
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fabion fabion is offline
Lost In Time
Join Date: January 19th, 2005
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The Library only shows these folders --- Incomplete Files, Saved Files, and the folders with the files you are sharing ( whatever they might be named).

You can look in the saved files folder. You will probably see your d/l file there in red. You can highlight, and click explore. This should take you to the location of that file.

Files in red are not being shared. Files in black are being shared.

You can also go to tools>options>saving ---- this will show the location your d/l files are saved to once complete.

If you would like to share that folder you can go to tools>options>sharing --- click add -- this will open up a window you can locate the folder and add to sharing if you want.

There is no feature as of yet to sort by date/time in the library.

Hope this helped.
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