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Old March 6th, 2005
gregb28 gregb28 is offline
Join Date: March 6th, 2005
Posts: 1
gregb28 is flying high
Unhappy How many connections should I have and is this affecting my download speed?

I am currently using LimeWire Pro 4.6.0 and seem to be only able to get 5 connections at a time (all UltraPeer). Is this normal? Is there some secret way of adding more connections? I am having VERY slow download speeds. I have searched through most of the threads here and tried to apply the suggested tweaks and seen little improvement in my download speeds. I am using Java 1.5.0. and I have tried deleting my LimeWire preferences directory.

Typically I will download 3 or 4 files at a time and get a culmative download speed of maybe 8 - 10 Kps for everything together. Ironically my uploads speeds usually average about 25 - 30 Kps for everything.

My hardware is intel P4 3200 with DSL connection (1.5 M downstream and 300 K upstream). I am running Windows XP SP2. I have tried turning the firewall on and off with no change in download speed.

Right now I am downloading a file that shows 71 4star users, LimeWire shows connected to 5 hosts and I have a total download speed of 2 - 4 Kps.

I upgrade to LimeWire Pro because it promised more active connections and better download speeds but so far I haven't seen any difference from the standard LimeWire.

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

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