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Old March 12th, 2005
xmradiojunkie xmradiojunkie is offline
Join Date: March 12th, 2005
Posts: 10
xmradiojunkie is flying high
Default Not all Tools\Options are Available

I have an issue with the following options under the Tools\Options menu
Uploads, iTunes, View, Searching, Filters, Advanced
All have an arrow on the left side of them and are not accessible.
I am using the latest version LimeWire(4.8.1 Pro) on windows XP
The problem i would like to fix is that all of my incomplete downloads are being shared and it is burning up my bandwidth. I have disabled Ultrpeer and tried to disable sharing but my incomplete files are still being shared. I want to share my downloaded files but not my incomplete files.

I need to be able to access all of the settings. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
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