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Old April 15th, 2005
Kail Kail is offline
Join Date: April 15th, 2005
Posts: 2
Kail is flying high
Angry bloody lime wire!!!! everythings corrupted

i was a great fan of lime wire a few months ago, but after doing a reinstall of my operating system, due to a nasty virus, ican no longer get any files from limewire,
every file comes up as corrupted, and if i just say yes download anyway then they are just costantly with out sources, now i have tryed all sorts of files, ones with high numbers of sources ones with low, t3 conections to modem connections, everythings the same,
i did a reinstall of limewire, deleteing all prefrence files and still the same crap happens.
im on cable internet and the only thing different on my system since the clean install of xp is my firewall, changed from zonealarm to sygate, help would be very much apperciated as i was a good believer that limewire was the best p2p program out there.
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