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Old May 30th, 2005
Airbender Airbender is offline
Join Date: May 30th, 2005
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Airbender is flying high
Default Im A Newbie That Needs Help!!!

whenever i download an episode of Avatar the last airbender,it takes hours but the real problem is that whenever i try to view it on my windows media player i can only hear the sound.i have a frend who introduced Lime wire to me and she can view her Avatar episodes anytime without a problem!! and this is gets weirder! next to the episodes and songs,there is always an icon right? well mine is windows media player for my episodes and songs and i viewed my frend's library from a screencap and her icons were different from mine!! instead of windows media player icon,hers was the video icon on the search buttons!is it really nessecary to have the video icon next to the episode download or is there sumthing wrong with my windows media? plz help!! im veryy desperate and i went thru loong days and hours of frustration to figure this problem out!
hers a pic of my library

heres a pic of her library
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