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  #26 (permalink)  
Old June 18th, 2005
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by cool boy
I guess one just have to avoid downloading files that are extraordinarily too small for the file they are looking for. Like say for example a 364 KB Smallville EP4.wmv. Also try checking the "Browse Host" button if its on or lit if you click the file from the selection of downloads. If it's not then you can suspect that it may be a spam. And perhaps if we ever downloaded these type of files we should delete it right away so it won't be downloaded by other unsuspecting victims.
Too small works for the wmvs, but not the jpegs, as they are a typical size for legit jpegs. The spoofed results all have a name that's just your search term, perhaps with the capitalization changed and/or underscores inserted after every letter. It's easy to avoid them. Harder to avoid are spoofed files -- the search result is legit, but the file you end up with is bogus due to a spoofer participating in the mesh for the file. For example, you search for "foo" and go to get foo1.jpg, foo2.jpg, ..., foo15.jpg and all of them look normal except foo2.jpg and foo11.jpg, which are corrupt, or ipod spams, or those damaged-and-spammy sara18 or michelle18 images, or whatever. AFAIK the only thing you can do about those is delete them after the fact and retry downloading them until you get the genuine foo2.jpg and foo11.jpg that actually fit into the sequence with the others instead of the spoofed files.

I also recommend you make your shared and download directory separate and move files to the former only after previewing them. This avoids inadvertently sharing spam and damaged files, but moreover, it might keep your *** out of jail if you inadvertently download some mislabeled material that proves to be ... unacceptable. If you accidentally share something like that, you could end up in a bad situation trying to prove your innocence. To be sure you don't, don't share any file you haven't pre-screened for being acceptable. Preview media; virus scan executables. Anything unacceptable, secure-delete the file if you can, and definitely delete it.
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