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Old June 22nd, 2005
sarahhh sarahhh is offline
Join Date: June 20th, 2005
Location: Australia
Posts: 4
sarahhh is flying high

No I did understand all of the techniques listed in the link you provided me with.
I just thought that there might have been a way that I could add a folder to my i-Tunes library (the folder which I download to) and have it automatically update and sync with i-Tunes everytime I download a new song, rather than having to drag and drop from LM into i-Tunes every time I download a new song.

I only thought this was possible because with the program I use for my MD it does this, you choose which folders your songs are put into and add them to the library and then everytime you open the program the folder and library has been updated with new songs that you've downloaded.

I don't have a problem getting songs into i-tunes I just thought there was a quicker way that's all.
Thanks for your help.
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