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  #140 (permalink)  
Old June 27th, 2005
Posts: n/a
Thumbs up Nice!

Originally posted by murasame
Well, purplkoala that's good to hear.

Ahriman, I (obviously) read your post wrong... Anyway, 128K... If it's KB then your speeds are way off (remember, 128KB = 1024kb). If it's 128kb, then you should be seeing speeds of about 16KB (which isn't far off).
If you don't get it, read the initial post carefully.
Well, as of today my purchased speed is (according to the ISP) 512K download/256K upload.

I adjusted LW Pro as follows:

Max DL: 3
DL bandwidth: 60KB/s
UP bandwidth: 38.75KB/s
UL per person: 3
Max slots: 3

I also configured the OS X Firewall so it will allow LW to use the default port. (I still get the "FALSE" line...)

To my joy, I got to a blazing 22KB/s for a moment there... It seems to be holding around the 10-15KB/s

Thanks for the help Murasame!
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